Reminders for Insecure Ayayas
(And other resources)
Fig 1.4. Insecure Candy often forgets her worth and worries what people think of her
Do you feel like that, too?
I know you do, otherwise you wouldn't be here.
Insecurities can be about a lot of things.
From your habits, to your appearance, to certain skills...I know exactly how that feels.
You either feel like a total imposter, or the worst person on Earth.
So I'm here to remind you that that's simply not true.
You are healthy, intelligent, kind and gorgeous.
You are not faking any of it.
And if there's some skill you feel like you're bad at, remember, practice makes perfect.
If perfection exists, that is.
You see, no-one is really perfect.
It's all relative.
You're not supposed to be perfect, nobody is.
Sometimes there are a lot of expectations, and pressure too, but never let that weigh you down.
You are worth way more than your looks or even your grades.
And if it is to come down to that, I'll just add that I think you're gorgeous.
And super smart. You make such cool websites, and it seems so effortless.
And here I am working on this for weeks yet it still looks mid asf.
Your hair is so cute and floofy.
Your smile the most heartmelting everrrr.
You're the perfect size and shape for a hug, I love your hugs.
And you're a great person, you care about important things. the face of all that I don't think there's any situation under which it's fair for you to feel insecure.
If my word isn't enough, ask your parents.
Or a friend, they'll agree.
You're awesome, have some more faith in yourself <3.