Comfort for a Lonely Ayaya

(And other resources)

Lonely Candy
Fig 1.2. Lonely Candy could do with your company <3
"An empty mind is the devil's playground," they say.
But what does that actually mean?
The devil isn't actually entering minds, so this basically refers to the overthinking that arises when you're alone.
Not that being alone is a bad thing, but for extended periods of time it can be unhealthy.
You don't always have to be alone to feel lonely...
Sometimes you'll feel lonely even in a room full of people.
You may feel alienated, misunderstood, unsupported, and a burden.
You might feel nobody really cares about you,
or at least not enough to really "get" you.
You might have emotions that are too complicated to convey to someone else...
Even if they really try, some emotions are ours to shoulder alone because nobody can ever truly stand in someone else's shoes.
All of these feelings give rise to what we call loneliness.
When you feel lonely, it helps to think about times when you felt surrounded by people.
Supportive people, who cared about you.
Think of times you actually felt understood and loved.
There are sure to be a lot of such moments.
And of course, talk to someone.
"Isn't that counterintuitive?" you ask,
because I just mentioned some emotions nobody else can understand?
No, because a lot of times they don't need to understand.
A good friend can make you feel better even when they don't fully understand your problem.
So make some plans!
You don't have to go around telling them you feel lonely.
Just make a spontaneous plan for a fun activity.
Do it with your family,
your friends, or me.
I'm always gonna drop everything and help you out :)
And while this may not sound very helpful to you, just trust me on it.
I have learned that sometimes after hanging out with loved ones, one returns home with a glowing ball of light in one's chest.
